
Buy Clarinex


Clarinex is an antihistamine used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis

  • Delivery time: Airmail (14-21 days) | EMS trackable (5-9 days)
  • Prescription: Included
  • Availability: In Stock

Clarinex Information

Common Use

Clarinex is a medication commonly used for the treatment of symptoms associated with allergies, including sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and itching of the nose or throat. It belongs to a class of drugs called antihistamines.


Clarinex is classified as a second-generation antihistamine. It works by blocking the action of histamine in the body, a substance that is responsible for causing allergic reactions.

Generic Ingredient (Availability in South Africa)

The generic name for Clarinex is desloratadine. It is available in South Africa under the brand name Clarinex.

Certification Information (Countries of Approval)

Clarinex (desloratadine) is approved for use in several countries, including the United States, Canada, and European countries. It has also been approved for use in South Africa.

Known Alternatives in South Africa

In South Africa, there are several alternative medications available that are used to treat allergies. Some common alternatives to Clarinex include cetirizine (Zyrtec), loratadine (Claritin), and fexofenadine (Allegra). It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine which medication is the most suitable for individual needs.

Clinical Use

Clarinex is used to relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and chronic idiopathic urticaria (chronic hives) in adults and children aged 12 years and older.

Spectrum Of Activity

Clarinex is primarily used to treat symptoms associated with allergies, such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. It is not effective in treating symptoms caused by other conditions, such as the common cold.

Drug Interaction

Clarinex may interact with certain medications, including ketoconazole, erythromycin, and azithromycin. It is important to inform your healthcare professional about any medications you are currently taking to avoid possible drug interactions.

Contraindications and Precautions

Clarinex should be avoided in individuals who have known hypersensitivity or allergy to desloratadine or any of its components. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting Clarinex to ensure it is safe and appropriate for use.

Possible Side Effect(s)

Common side effects associated with Clarinex may include headache, dry mouth, fatigue, and drowsiness. If any side effects persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention.

Dosage and Directions

The recommended dosage of Clarinex for adults and children aged 12 years and older is 5 mg once daily. For children aged 6 to 11 years, the recommended dosage is 2.5 mg once daily. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

Missed Dose and Overdose

If a dose of Clarinex is missed, it should be taken as soon as possible. If it is close to the time for the next dose, the missed dose should be skipped. In case of an overdose, seek immediate medical attention.


Clarinex should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and moisture. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Known Non-standard Use

There are no known non-standard uses for Clarinex. It is specifically indicated for the treatment of allergies and should be used as prescribed.

Patient Considerations

Clarinex may cause drowsiness or impair your ability to operate machinery. It is important to avoid activities that require alertness until you know how the medication affects you.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

The safety of Clarinex during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been established. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using Clarinex if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Possible Risks

While Clarinex is generally well-tolerated, there is a potential risk of experiencing side effects. It is important to discuss any concerns or questions with a healthcare professional before starting Clarinex.

Clarinex FAQ (In afrikaans)

Wat is die gebruik van Clarinex?

Clarinex word gebruik om simptome van allergiese rinitis te verlig, soos nies, jeuk, loopneus en rooi oë.

Hoe moet ek Clarinex neem?

Neem Clarinex presies soos voorgeskryf deur jou dokter. Volg altyd die aanwysings op die etiket.

Wat is die aanbevole dosis van Clarinex?

Die aanbevole dosis van Clarinex vir volwassenes en kinders 12 jaar en ouer is 5 mg eenmaal daagliks.

Is Clarinex veilig vir kinders?

Ja, Clarinex is veilig vir kinders ouer as 6 maande. Volg die dosering aanbevelings vir jonger kinders.

Watter newe-effekte kan ek verwag met Clarinex?

Die algemene newe-effekte van Clarinex sluit in hoofpyn, maagpyn, droë mond, moegheid en duiseligheid.

Kan ek Clarinex neem indien ek swanger is?

Raadpleeg jou dokter voordat jy Clarinex neem as jy swanger is, beplan om swanger te raak, of borsvoeding gee.

Wat moet ek doen as ek 'n dosis Clarinex gemis het?

As jy 'n dosis Clarinex gemis het, neem dit so gou as moontlik. Moenie 'n dubbele dosis neem om 'n gemiste dosis in te haal nie.

Hoe lank neem dit vir Clarinex om te werk?

Clarinex begin gewoonlik binne 1 uur te werk nadat dit geneem is. Dit kan tot 24 uur duur voordat dit sy volle effek bereik.

Mag ek alkohol drink terwyl ek Clarinex gebruik?

Dit word nie aanbeveel om alkohol te drink terwyl jy Clarinex gebruik nie, omdat dit newe-effekte soos sedasie kan vererger.

Mag ek bestuur terwyl ek Clarinex gebruik?

Clarinex kan duiseligheid of vertraagde reaksies veroorsaak. As jy hierdie effekte ervaar, moet jy nie voertuie bestuur of masjiene bedien nie.

Wanneer moet ek Clarinex inneem?

Clarinex kan met of sonder kos geneem word. Volg jou dokter se aanwysings vir die beste resultate.

Mag ek Clarinex saam met ander medikasie gebruik?

Raadpleeg jou dokter voordat jy Clarinex saam met ander medikasie gebruik om nadelige interaksies te voorkom.

Is Clarinex voorskrif of nie-voorskrif?

Clarinex is 'n voorskrifmedikasie wat slegs deur 'n dokter voorgeskryf kan word.

Wat as ek te veel Clarinex geneem het?

As jy te veel Clarinex geneem het, moet jy onmiddellik mediese hulp soek of na 'n noodgevalafdeling gaan.

Hoe moet ek Clarinex stoor?

Bewaar Clarinex by kamertemperatuur weg van hitte, lig en vog. Moenie dit vries nie.

Clarinex Verwante Medikasies

  • (Cetirizine) deur Johnson & Johnson
  • (Fexofenadine) deur Sanofi
  • (Levocetirizine) deur UCB Pharma

Verwante Medikasies aan Clarinex

Clarinex Properties

  • Conditions To Treat: Allergic Rhinitis
  • Clinical Use: Antihistamine
  • Spectrum Of Activity: Broad-spectrum
  • Mechanism Of Action: Blocks histamine receptors
  • Length Of Use: Short-term treatment of allergic rhinitis
  • Recommended Dosage: 5 mg once a day
  • Side Effects: Dry mouth, fatigue, headache

Clarinex Drug Class

Clarinex Connected Conditions

How to Purchase Clarinex | Desloratadine through our Online Pharmacy

Procuring Clarinex | Desloratadine from our online med store is effortless. Just select the desired dosage and quantity showcased. The cost of your pick updates in real-time, providing an immediate glimpse of the final cost. Click on the Add to Basket button to add the chosen quantity to your basket. Feel free to search for more pills or head straight to the checkout. On the Checkout Page, complete your order using our secure and specialized payment gateway, ensuring your information remains private.

Rest assured, Clarinex / Desloratadine pills are made from top-grade generic ingredients and undergo stringent quality checks based on WHO and The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) standards. However, Clarinex pills are shipped from locations outside of South Africa due to international prescription protocols. This approach allows us to deliver unmatched quality and value without sacrificing efficacy or safety.

At our Pharmacy, customer satisfaction is paramount. We take pride in providing high quality products and services. Our dedicated customer service is always available to address any queries or concerns you might have. Furthermore, our track record speaks for itself; with countless happy customers from South Africa and beyond, you can purchase Clarinex | Desloratadine with confidence knowing you're in safe hands. We value your trust and are committed to ensuring every transaction is seamless and every product meets the highest standards.


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