Buy Priligy
- Active ingredient: Dapoxetine
- Category: Men's Health | Sexual Health
- Delivery time: Airmail (14-21 days) | EMS trackable (5-9 days)
- Prescription: Included
- Availability: In Stock
Priligy is a medication that is used to treat premature ejaculation by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain
Table of contents
- Medication Information Leaflet: Priligy
- Common Use
- Classification
- Generic Ingredient (Availability in South Africa)
- Certification Information (Countries of Approval)
- Known Alternatives in South Africa
- Clinical Use
- Spectrum of Activity
- Drug Interaction
- Contraindications and Precautions
- Possible Side Effects
- Dosage and Directions
- Missed Dose and Overdose
- Storage
- Known Non-standard Use
- Patient Considerations
- Breastfeeding and Pregnancy
- Possible Risks
- Priligy FAQ (In afrikaans)
- Hoe werk Priligy?
- Is Priligy effektief vir die behandeling van vroee ejakulasie?
- Kan ek Priligy saam met ander medikasie gebruik?
- Hoe vinnig werk Priligy?
- Watter dosis Priligy moet ek neem?
- Watter newe-effekte kan ek ervaar met Priligy?
- Is Priligy veilig?
- Is 'n voorskrif nodig om Priligy te koop?
- Kan vroue Priligy gebruik?
- Kan ek Priligy gebruik as ek ander gesondheidsprobleme het?
- Moet ek Priligy neem met of sonder kos?
- Wat moet ek doen as ek 'n dosis Priligy vergeet het?
- Kan ek alkohol drink terwyl ek Priligy gebruik?
- Wanneer moet ek mediese hulp soek?
- Hoe lank sal dit neem voordat ek resultate sien met Priligy?
- Priligy Verwante Medikasies
- Verwante Medikasies aan Priligy
- Priligy Purchasing Information
- Can One purchase Priligy online in South Africa?
- Can I legally buy Priligy in South Africa without a prescription?
- Where can I safely buy Priligy online in South Africa?
- Priligy Properties
- Related Tags / Keywords
- How to Purchase Priligy | Dapoxetine through our Pharmacy Online
- Reviews
- Write your review
Medication Information Leaflet: Priligy
Common Use
Priligy is a medication commonly used to treat premature ejaculation in men. It belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Priligy helps to delay ejaculation and improve control over ejaculation, allowing men to have better sexual satisfaction.
Priligy is classified as a SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) medication.
Generic Ingredient (Availability in South Africa)
The generic ingredient in Priligy is Dapoxetine. This medication is available in South Africa under the brand name Priligy.
Certification Information (Countries of Approval)
Priligy has been approved for use in several countries around the world. These include countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, European Union member states, and others.
Known Alternatives in South Africa
In South Africa, there are a few alternative medications that can be considered for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Some of these alternatives include:
- Sildenafil (Viagra)
- Tadalafil (Cialis)
- Paroxetine (SSRI)
It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable alternative medication for individual needs.
Clinical Use
Priligy is primarily used to improve control over ejaculation and increase the time to ejaculation in men with premature ejaculation.
Spectrum of Activity
Priligy specifically targets premature ejaculation and does not have an impact on other sexual dysfunctions or medical conditions.
Drug Interaction
Priligy may interact with certain medications such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), thioridazine, and other SSRIs. It is essential to inform your healthcare provider about any medications you are currently taking to avoid potential interactions.
Contraindications and Precautions
Priligy should not be taken by individuals with the following conditions:
- Hypersensitivity to dapoxetine or other components of the medication
- Severe liver or kidney problems
- Cardiovascular conditions
- History or risk of orthostatic hypotension or syncope
- Psychiatric disorders
It is crucial to discuss your medical history and any pre-existing conditions with your doctor before starting Priligy.
Possible Side Effects
Priligy can potentially cause side effects. Common side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, and insomnia. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own. However, if any side effects persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical advice.
Dosage and Directions
The recommended starting dose of Priligy is 30 mg, typically taken 1 to 3 hours before sexual activity. However, the dosage may vary depending on individual response and tolerability. The maximum recommended dose is 60 mg per day. Priligy should not be taken more than once within a 24-hour period.
Missed Dose and Overdose
Priligy is taken on an as-needed basis, so there is no concern about missing a dose. It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage of 60 mg within 24 hours. In case of accidental overdose, seek immediate medical assistance.
Priligy should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets.
Known Non-standard Use
Priligy is specifically approved for the treatment of premature ejaculation and should not be used for any other purposes unless otherwise directed by a healthcare professional.
Patient Considerations
Before taking Priligy, it is important to consider the following:
- Inform your doctor about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications.
- Discuss your sexual history and any concerns with your healthcare provider.
- Follow the recommended dosage and directions for use.
Breastfeeding and Pregnancy
Priligy is not intended for use in women and should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding individuals.
Possible Risks
As with any medication, Priligy carries potential risks. It is important to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and discuss with your healthcare provider before starting this medication.
Priligy FAQ (In afrikaans)
Hoe werk Priligy?
Priligy bevat die aktiewe bestanddeel Dapoxetine, wat 'n selektiewe serotonien-heropname-inhibeerder (SSRI) is. Dit werk deur die verhoogde aktiwiteit van serotonien in die senuweestelsel te bevorder, wat op sy beurt die uittrede van operaasionele impulsetikke van die brein vertraag. Dit help om die tyd wat dit neem om te ejakuleer te verleng en premature ejakulasie te voorkom.
Is Priligy effektief vir die behandeling van vroee ejakulasie?
Ja, Priligy is bewys as effektief vir die behandeling van vroee ejakulasie. Dit help om die tyd wat dit neem om te ejakuleer te verleng, waardoor jy beter beheer oor die ejakulasieproses kry en 'n beter seksuele ervaring kan hê.
Kan ek Priligy saam met ander medikasie gebruik?
Dit is belangrik om jou dokter in te lig oor alle medisyne wat jy neem, insluitend voorskrifmedisyne, nie-voorskrifmedisyne en aanvullings. Daar is 'n moontlikheid dat Priligy 'n interaksie met ander medikasie kan hê, en jou dokter sal die veiligheid en doeltreffendheid daarvan kan beoordeel.
Hoe vinnig werk Priligy?
Priligy begin binne 'n uur na inname te werk, en die effek hou gewoonlik 1 tot 3 uur aan.
Watter dosis Priligy moet ek neem?
Die aanbevole dosis van Priligy is een 30 mg tablet, een tot drie ure voor seksuele aktiwiteit. As jy egter nie die gewenste resultate bereik nie, kan jou dokter voorstel dat jy die dosis na 60 mg verhoog. Moenie meer as een dosis binne 'n 24 uur periode neem nie.
Watter newe-effekte kan ek ervaar met Priligy?
Sommige algemene newe-effekte van Priligy sluit in hoofpyn, maagongesteldheid, duiseligheid, misselijkheid, diarree, en veranderinge in emosies of gemoedstoestand. As jy ernstige of aanhoudende newe-effekte ervaar, moet jy jou dokter inlig.
Is Priligy veilig?
Priligy is veilig vir die meeste mense wat dit gebruik, maar dit is belangrik om die voorgeskrewe dosis te volg en nie meer as een dosis binne 'n 24 uur periode te neem nie. Jy moet ook jou dokter inlig oor enige ander medikasie wat jy gebruik, asook enige ander gesondheidskwessies of toestande wat jy het.
Is 'n voorskrif nodig om Priligy te koop?
Ja, 'n voorskrif is nodig om Priligy te koop. Dit is 'n verskryfbare medikasie en kan slegs deur 'n gekwalifiseerde dokter voorgeskryf word.
Kan vroue Priligy gebruik?
Priligy is nie vir gebruik deur vroue nie. Dit is slegs goedgekeur vir die behandeling van vroee ejakulasie by mans.
Kan ek Priligy gebruik as ek ander gesondheidsprobleme het?
Dit is belangrik om jou dokter in te lig oor enige ander gesondheidsprobleme wat jy het voordat jy Priligy gebruik. Daar is sekere kwessies wat van invloed kan wees op die veilige gebruik van Priligy, soos lewer- of nierverswakte, en dit moet deur jou dokter ondersoek word.
Moet ek Priligy neem met of sonder kos?
Priligy kan met of sonder kos geneem word, maar dit kan help om dit saam met 'n maaltyd in te neem as jy maagpyn of ongemak ervaar na inname.
Wat moet ek doen as ek 'n dosis Priligy vergeet het?
As jy 'n dosis Priligy vergeet het, neem dit sodra jy dit onthou. As dit egter nader is aan jou volgende dosis, slaan die gemiste dosis oor en gaan terug na jou gewone inname-skedule. Moenie 'n dubbele dosis neem om die gemiste dosis in te haal nie.
Kan ek alkohol drink terwyl ek Priligy gebruik?
Dit word nie aanbeveel om alkohol te drink terwyl jy Priligy gebruik nie, aangesien dit die risiko van newe-effekte kan verhoog, soos duiseligheid en duursaamheid.
Wanneer moet ek mediese hulp soek?
As jy enige ernstige newe-effekte ervaar, soos moeilikheid met asemhaling, allergiese reaksies, ernstige duiseligheid of flouheid, moet jy onmiddellik mediese hulp soek. Dit is ook belangrik om jou dokter in te lig as jy enige ander ongewone simptome ervaar wat jy met Priligy verbind.
Hoe lank sal dit neem voordat ek resultate sien met Priligy?
Die tyd wat dit neem voordat jy resultate sien met Priligy kan wissel van individu tot individu. Vir sommige mense kan die effek reeds binne die eerste paar dosisse waarneembaar wees, terwyl ander miskien 'n paar dosisse nodig het voordat hulle die volle voordeel van die medikasie ervaar.
Priligy Verwante Medikasies
- Dapoxetin (Dapoxetine)
- Ejacumax (Cistanche) deur Natuurlike gesondheidsverskaffers
- Duramale (Verskeie bestanddele) deur Houthuismedisyne
Verwante Medikasies aan Priligy
Priligy Purchasing Information
Can One purchase Priligy online in South Africa?
Yes, you can purchase Priligy online in South Africa. Priligy is available from various reputable online pharmacies such as ours. To order Priligy in our online drugstore, you do not need a prescription from a healthcare provider, as we can issue it to you online.
Can I legally buy Priligy in South Africa without a prescription?
One can legally order Priligy online in South Africa via overseas online pharmacy. This order is lawful because it is placed from outside South Africa and adheres to the regulations of the country from which it is sold.
Where can I safely buy Priligy online in South Africa?
You can purchase Priligy online in South Africa safely from overseas online pharmacy such as ours. We are established and trusted network of suppliers for branded and generic medications operating in the South Africa market since 2014.
Priligy Properties
- Conditions To Treat: Premature ejaculation
- Clinical Use: Treatment of premature ejaculation
- Spectrum Of Activity: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
- Mechanism Of Action: Increases levels of serotonin, leading to a delay in ejaculation
- Length Of Use: Daily use for up to 12 weeks
- Recommended Dosage: 30mg or 60mg taken 1-3 hours before sexual activity
- Side Effects: Nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia
Related Tags / Keywords
How to Purchase Priligy | Dapoxetine through our Pharmacy Online
Procuring Priligy | Dapoxetine from our online med store is effortless. Just select the desired dosage and quantity showcased. The cost of your pick updates in real-time, providing an immediate glimpse of the final cost. Click on the Add to Basket button to add the chosen quantity to your basket. Feel free to search for more pills or head straight to the checkout. On the Checkout Page, complete your order using our secure and specialized payment gateway, ensuring your information remains private.
Rest assured, Priligy / Dapoxetine pills are made from top-grade generic ingredients and undergo stringent quality checks based on WHO and The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) standards. However, Priligy pills are shipped from locations outside of South Africa due to international prescription protocols. This approach allows us to deliver unmatched quality and value without sacrificing efficacy or safety.
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